
Friday, October 28, 2011

lower priceRAB FNH400PS480 Floodinator 400W-Metal Halide Ps 480V Pulse Start Trunnion + Lamp, Bronze Color

RAB FNH400PS480 Floodinator 400W-Metal Halide Ps 480V Pulse Start Trunnion + Lamp, Bronze Coloris a merchandise that is extremely internationally recognized in the present day, Searching for information about RAB FNH400PS480 Floodinator 400W-Metal Halide Ps 480V Pulse Start Trunnion + Lamp, Bronze Color? Reading this you can find yourself 2dc more knowledge about RAB FNH400PS480 Floodinator 400W-Metal Halide Ps 480V Pulse Start Trunnion + Lamp, Bronze Color

today. For everybody who is seeking top ratedRAB FNH400PS480 Floodinator 400W-Metal Halide Ps 480V Pulse Start Trunnion + Lamp, Bronze Color, we propose this is are going to be the solution.For anybody deliberate spending money for the RAB FNH400PS480 Floodinator 400W-Metal Halide Ps 480V Pulse Start Trunnion + Lamp, Bronze Color,then you need to do a little examine to ensure that you pay out the dollars effectively. Here' will provides you with a little bit suggestions about the RAB FNH400PS480 Floodinator 400W-Metal Halide Ps 480V Pulse Start Trunnion + Lamp, Bronze Color, so you've got few to positively consider before choosing this RAB FNH400PS480 Floodinator 400W-Metal Halide Ps 480V Pulse Start Trunnion + Lamp, Bronze Color
The Detailed Description of RAB FNH400PS480 Floodinator 400W-Metal Halide Ps 480V Pulse Start Trunnion + Lamp, Bronze ColorFeatures
  • Hydroformed reflectoris field adjustable
  • Long life lamp included
  • Buy american act compliant recovery act compliant

List Price?: $550.99

Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description
Fins for heat dissipation extended lamp and ballast life. Hinged lens frame is captive during relamping. Silicone gasket for durable weather proofing.


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