today. In case you're browsing for recognizedRAB ALH250SFPSW480 with 480 Area Light 250W, Metal Halide Ps 480V HPF Pulsestart Slipfitter, White Color, we advise this is is going to be the solution.If you wish to planned to make an investment more money for the RAB ALH250SFPSW480 with 480 Area Light 250W, Metal Halide Ps 480V HPF Pulsestart Slipfitter, White Color,you'll need to execute a small amount of investigate to make sure you buy that amount of money purposefully. Here' will provide you with a little bit opinions about the RAB ALH250SFPSW480 with 480 Area Light 250W, Metal Halide Ps 480V HPF Pulsestart Slipfitter, White Color, so you have just a few things to consider before you purchase this RAB ALH250SFPSW480 with 480 Area Light 250W, Metal Halide Ps 480V HPF Pulsestart Slipfitter, White Color
The Detailed Description of RAB ALH250SFPSW480 with 480 Area Light 250W, Metal Halide Ps 480V HPF Pulsestart Slipfitter, White ColorFeatures
- 10-15-feet
- Buy american act compliant recovery act compliant
- Sleek design
List Price?: $434.29
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Product Description
This fixture includes a 250w Metal Halide lamp. It is designed for a 10-15-Feet mounting height and has a sleek design for low EPA. It has a heavy duty die cast aluminum housing and door.
Product Index ... II Slipfitter: RAB-Lighting ... Area Light 250W Mh Psqt Hpf Pulsestart Type II Slipfitter: ALH250SFPSW480 : Alh250Sfpsw/480 250W Mh Ps 480V Hpf Pulsestart Slipfitter White
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